614753 Man-Hours of Training Courses Held for University Personnel

Manager of Human Resources at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences said: “in 2017, 2217 training courses were run for the university personnel amounting to 614753 man-hours of training courses”.

Talking to WebDa about holding various training courses in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Abdullah Reihani pointed to training courses to empower hospital managers and said: “a total of seven of these so-called Training of Trainers (TOT) courses were run in the university in the first round and the second run began in Dr. Sheykh Hospital 10 days ago”.

He announced that a five volume series of a briefing book for career starters of university staff was designed and unveiled and said: “this course was taught for 840 newly-employed personnel in 8 examination districts. It is worth noting that new teaching methods such as OJT and OSCE are used in these courses”.

Manager of Human Resources at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences said: “a designing system and trainers’ bank will be unveiled in a few days with the presence of chancellor of the university and the Vice Deputy for Management and Resources”.

Reihani pointed to the first Advanced Cardiac Life Support training (ACLS) course that was held in the university and said: “in a meeting with directors of Mashhad hospitals held 10 days ago, the university chancellor strongly emphasized on enhancing hospital emergencies because needs analyses had revealed failures in coordination between the 999 personnel and the resuscitation team”.

He said: “based on the surveys and the order of the Vice Deputy for Management and Resources of the university to enhance hospital emergencies, it has been decided that cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills (as the most basic duty of the emergency) be enhanced in emergency personnel”.

Manager of Human Resources at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences said: “a course based on EHE international standard which is being taught in 65 countries of the world was held in the university; it is hoped that these courses enhance personnel’s resuscitation skills and the quality of services in the emergency ward”.

Reihani said: “this course constantly runs and all personnel involved in resuscitation in hospitals of the university enroll in this one-day course”.

He pointed to training as a key to preserve the human resources and said: “according to all global standards, all university graduates in medical careers should go through retraining courses”.

Manager of Human Resources at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences said: “definitely, academic degrees do not replace skills; skills reflect the importance of science and its practical value, therefore training should be put on the agenda of all organizations, especially universities”.

Reihani referred to skill as the fundament of careers that serve people and said: “the advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation course was greatly welcome by trainees and the course was taught in a way that other emergency personnel also became interested in it”.

He said: “training courses themes are presented based on educational needs analysis; these themes are specified according to job description for each job title and for all the university personnel they are identified based on data contained in the system”.




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