Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt and Iran, Main Markets of Halal Products

Referring to the two-billion Muslim population, senior researcher at Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) said: “Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt and Iran, are respectively (based on their population) the main markets of halal products”.

According to the news headquarters of the first international halal products conference, Mazhar Hossein announced Asia’s share in halal food to be 50 percent which the biggest share in the world.

According to him, 58 percent of halal food consumers are people of 10 Muslim countries including Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria.

Pointing to the role of quality in increasing consumption of halal products, he said: “good management, awareness and social factors enhance the quality of halal food”.

Senior researcher at Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) also mentioned awareness, economy, legal framework, food security, development of technology and population growth as the main driving powers of halal food industry.

Emphasizing the economy of halal products, he added: “if a product is not halal, it should be advertised on TV”.

Pinpointing integration of standards, Mazhar Hossein briefly introduced OIC standards and suggested solutions to challenges facing halal industry and offered the future prospects of this organization.

It should be noted that the first international halal products conference was held with the presence of prominent figures from the Islamic world and hosted by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences on December 13th and 14th, 2017 in Borj Sefid of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. The conference themes included criteria for halal food, similarities and differences in religions with respect to criteria for halal food, the criteria for meat products to be halal, principles of Fiqh related to halal products, tahara and nijasa in halal products and new problems in halal products.


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