Professor of vascular surgery of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences pointed to feet and lower extremity varicose veins, obstruction of the limb and swelling resulting from disordered lymphatic vessels as three widespread vascular diseases of which varicose veins is the most common disease. Talking to WebDa, Dr. Hassan Ravari said: “vascular diseases include all types of venous vessels, arterial vessels and lymphatic vessels involvement that might occur in any part of the body”. He said: “feet and lower extremity varicose veins, obstruction of the limb that causes foot ulcer especially in people with diabetes and swelling resulting from disordered lymphatic vessels that occur in either foot or both feet in the long term are three vascular diseases widespread in the society”. Pointing out that varicose vein is more common than other disorders, Dr. Ravari said: “about 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men suffer from some degrees of varicose veins. This disease may occur in the form of swollen red or blue vessels in of legs, at the back of the knees and in thighs and big vessels under the skin”. Referring to causes of varicose veins, he said: “although hereditary factors are the main causes of this disease, other factors such as inactivity, obesity, hormonal pills containing estrogens, long time standing or sitting cause varicose veins and deteriorate it”. Pointing that treatment of varicose veins varies depending on the severity and location of the disease and the patient’s age, Dr. Ravari said: “walking and movement of feet during daily activities, avoiding long time standing or sitting, using standard socks whose type, pressure and size is prescribed by the doctor, and in more advanced cases, injecting medications into varicose veins, laser therapy and surgery are treatments suggested for this disease”. Professor of vascular surgery of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences said: “these people should have regular daily exercise. Besides aerobic exercises, swimming is the best exercise recommended for them; Sauna and Jacuzzi are not suitable for these patients”. Pointing out that mainly people with diabetes suffer from obstruction of lower extremity veins, he said: “definitely, these patients should be monitored by their physician and every day they should examine their legs and toes and use moisturizing creams if required”. Dr. Ravari said about this group of disease that in case any ulcer, blisters or blackened part is detected on the leg, the patient should quickly refer to the doctor. Choosing shoes is important because the sole of the foot and toes change and not all orthopedic shoes available in the market are suitable for these patients. Furthermore, it is suggested that toenails of people with diabetes be clipped by a family member because diabetes weakens the eyesight of the patient which may lead to injury while using the nail clipper and cause infection”. He added: “in people without diabetes, causes of blocked veins in the limbs are drug abuse, inactivity, and uncontrolled blood pressure; to prevent from this disease, half an hour of walking every day to stop forming of sediment in veins and quitting smoking is suggested”. Dr. Ravari noted that in case any ulcer, coldness of limbs or pain while walking occur, the patient should refer to the doctor so that if there are suspicions about vein blockage, the patient is checked and the blockage be eliminated. About swelling resulting from disordered lymphatic vessels he said: “some people, especially women, may experience swelling of a limb with no change in its color or pains which occur gradually over days, months and even years; in that case the risk of obstruction of lymphatic vessels is possible and if diagnosed early, the disease cane be controlled by medication and suitable socks”. Dr. Ravari stated: “note that if the swelling occurs suddenly and is accompanied by pain, the patient should immediately refer to the doctor because there is the risk of formation of blood clots for which the patient should be immediately hospitalized to stop the clot to move toward the heart and then the lungs which is very dangerous”. Pointing to the causes of this disease, Professor of vascular surgery of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences said: “causes of this condition include: use of contraceptive pills containing estrogen in people prone to clot formation, inactivity for a long time, damage to feet due to accidents as well as high genetic coagulability in some people”. To prevent this disease, he suggested that patients move their feet in long, over six hours trips or hospitalizations and use anti-clotting socks; moreover, women prone to or having varicose veins should use contraceptive pills without estrogen. Dr. Ravari suggested that to prevent vascular diseases in general, people should avoid smoking, be active, use fresh vegetables and fruit and low-sodium low-fat food. |